(Click image to see full-size)

WARNING!  This comic contains graphic depiction of gore and violence.


A Fistful of Collars


As tensions rise among the Five Houses of the Wilder Clan, Warlord Voonder is challenged to

manage the growing goblin kingdom and keep the fighting under control to prevent a civil war.




There are two versions for this comic.

The Edited Version contains NO blood or gore.

The Wunder Cut Version has lots of blood and gore.

The Wunder Cut Version has many additional pages and extended scenes not seen in many years.

It is now available for anyone to download for free.




PART 1 of 3

Edited Version

(no gore)

Wunder-Cut Version

(54 pages)



PART 2 of 3

 Edited Version

(no gore)

Wunder-Cut Version

(50 pages)



PART 3 of 3

 Edited Version

(no gore)

Wunder-Cut Version

(79 pages)




Commentary and updates added January, 2022






Other Voonder tales:

