Commentary added October, 2021




Below you will find:





(may contain spoilers)








Much like in Trick or Eat 10... and later in 12 and 13, Trick or Eat 11 plays with numerology.

Some examples are...



Elen's name is pulled from "eleven".

The first two and last two letters in "eleven" make "Elen".



The clock in Foster's bedroom shows 11:11 each time he's visited by Cold Elen.



On October 30th, Foster says Cold Elen has visited him 10 times,

which means the 11th visit when she possesses Ty to attack Foster.



The dual candles in Elen's basement are meant to look like an 11.



Cold Elen's 6 children were each sacrificed at age 11.



Foster needs to find Cold Elen's remains by 11:11 on Halloween



Foster's name was chosen because it sounds like "frost" to keep with the comic's cold motif.



The haunted house seen in Trick or Eat 5 is Cold Elen's abandoned home.

Foster steps on the bottle left from the games played in Trick 5.



"Blood on a Scarecrow" and "Trick or Eat 11" were both released at the same time and both feature Samhain.





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