Commentary added April, 2019





Below you will find:




Updated Page

Updated  Character Profiles


(may contain spoilers)









The title comes from a movie (which I've never actually seen) with a similar name.

I wanted to make the title and cover feel like a cheesy 50's horror movie.



A page was cut (not shown above) from the initial release which was later given to anyone who found the cat, Blackmoon.

This page (now page 14) is included with the comic.  All pages beyond it were renumbered to make space.

The cut page will be in future downloads.  Anyone who bought the comic in the past can email me if you'd like the page.



The bus scene was an incredible pain to create.

With the monster, its many tentacles, and about 20 scouts on the bus, the program would frequently crash.



The bus is numbered 888 (seen on the back) a number that is often seen in Wundercomics. 



Shannon was attacked by the beast and held helpless.  When we see him later in the comic he's somehow escaped the monster

and is fine.  His upcoming 2nd comic will explain how he saved himself.





Updated Page



There was a typo on page 3 (it should have been its).

I've fixed the typo and also reworked the story to be spoken in present tense.

Click image above to get updated page 3.  It will also be included in future downloads.





Updated Character Profiles








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