Commentary added November, 2021





Below you will find:




Updated Cover


(may contain spoilers)









Much like in Trick or Eat 10 and 11...  Trick or Eat 12 plays with numerology.

Some examples are...



The Midnight Order, midnight, of course, being 12:00 and the new neophytes need to complete their trials by midnight.



Each time shown, when the numbers are added, total 12.



Scotty's username, Warlock2112.  He claims to be 21 but is 12.



Saar Vinducta (Midnight Order Magus) has 12 letters in his name.



Leading up to the showdown in Trick or Eat 17, almost every Trick comic introduces a new witch.

Trick 12 is one of the few to not feature a new witch.





Updated Cover



This version is very similar to the original.  I made the lamp bright with a glow plus did some other tiny touch-ups.






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