Commentary added October, 2022




Below you will find:




(may contain spoilers)








The plan to make "Trick or Eat 14" be a story involving Voodoo was planned back as early as when I was making Trick or Eat 10.

There was a basic outline for most of Trick 10-14 at the time, but 15+ was unknown territory.



Trick 14 is one of my favorite Trick or Eat comic to re-read and I have

a lot of nostalgia thinking back on its creation.



I did research on Voodoo to lend at least some legitimacy to the spell-casting process.

Though like many stories, Wunder-Voodoo is embellished to focus on the fantasy side.



In Chandler's basement, while he and his friends play an RPG, you can

see artwork by artists whoindeed and Odin.



Baba Yaga, in particular her hair and clothing, was looking really out of date.  She was basically

left unchanged from 2003 to 2016.  In Trick 14, she was in the comic for only the final few pages

and mostly hidden behind the table.

With Trick 15, Baba Yaga was re-designed to look more acceptable for modern style/quality.





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