ommentary added July, 2018





Below you will find:




New Cover







Three years after Dino Park 2, I decided to make a new one, despite Dinodopia Park 2 was one of the poorest selling comics.

Conversely, Dino Park 3 ended up being one of the better sellers.


What you expect is what you'll get -- dinosaurs and class of screaming students.








Dino Might

Dino Park 3 was much more popular than its predecessor.

As of the creation of this CotM page, Dinos 3 has sold about twice as many copies as Dinos 2.



Dino Chow

At the time when I made it, I considered Dino Park 3 to be my most violent comic.

The final death scene, in particular, was very difficult to create.



Dino Charm

Dr. Sonny struck out again in Dino Park 3.








I remade the cover in 2015 at the same time when I made Dino Park 4.

For this CotM, I touched-up that 2015 version.  There are some minor changes that

may only be noticeable to someone with OCD.



Original Cover (2009), Second Cover (2009), New Cover (2015), Updated Cover (2018)






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