Wundercomics - Patreon

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Wundercomics - Patreon

Post by Wunderkind »

This thread has details about being a subscriber of Wundercomics on Patreon.

There are two ways to get Wundercomics.
1 - buy them from my website
2 - get them as they are released by being a patron

Currently, the majority of comic sales are through option 1, however, there are quite a few perks to being a patron.
Some perks (varies, depending on your tier)
-Early access to specialty items such as "Scream Teens" and "Lions Den Arena Battles".
-Voting on things like "Scream Teens" choices and Comic of the Month
-Early access to "split" comics such as "BHUD 2" and "Not Without My Tiger". ($10+)
-Immediate links to new comics as soon as they are released. (see below for more details)

There are three tiers:

Tier 1: Supporter $3
-You're guaranteed one comic per month (the "short" comic, which usually are 10-15 pages but have been longer from time to time).

Tier 2: Standard $10
-This is probably the best choice for those who own all, or most, comics and wish to get all new releases.
-Free Comic of the Month, each month: typically, comics 3 or more years old, often with some rework or updates.
-ALL comics released during the time of your membership: short, long, "split", "wundercut versions"

Tier 3: Standard Plus $25+
-This is the option if you'd like to build a collection of Wundercomics.
-All of the above perks plus...
-Each Month: you may select any comic(s) from my library with up to a maximum total value of $20.
Essentially, you're paying $15 more (compared to Tier 2) but getting up to $20 in value.
Leftover credit does NOT carry over month to month (sorry, too difficult to track) so please use up your credit each month.

Wundercomics Patreon Link

Ping me with any questions!
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Re: Wundercomics - Patreon

Post by Wunderkind »

Starting August 1, 2021, I'm revising Tier 3's benefits.

Tier 3's extra benefit (2 comics of your choice per month) was designed when most comics were about $8-12 each. That has changed in recent years with so many short comics which range from $3-6. Of course, there are still new comics in the $8-12 range, but with the varying prices, I want to give Tier 3 Patrons more options. The new Tier 3 will give you up to $20 credit to use per month.

Refined Tier 3 Benefits (starts Aug 1)
This tier is meant for those who would like to build up their comics collection.

This gives you all of the benefits of Tiers 1 and 2 PLUS:

Each Month: you may select any comics from my library with up to a maximum of $20 value.
Essentially, you're paying $15 more (compared to Tier 2) but getting up to $20 in value.
Leftover credit does NOT carry over month to month (sorry, too difficult to track) so please use up your credit each month.
The newest Wundercomic:
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