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Encyclopedia for Wunderkind Comics


Wilder Clan

Location: Hidden Cave System
Demographics:  Goblins with slaves of various races
Noted Goblins:  Voonder, Hanz, Rawrs, Zarmn, Larcomn, Sane, Thatug
Noted Slaves:  Holden, Zsider, Tupi, Kanyon, Dodger

It isn't known how long the Wilder Clan has been around, though it has been many generations, undoubtedly.  Their exact location is unknown, though it's rumored to in a cavern, somewhere within The Savage Forest.  The leader of the clan is often referred to as the "Warlord" or sometimes "Chief".


Like most goblin clans, the Wilder Clan hoards many slaves, mostly human, but of other races too.  In addition to their labor, these slaves are also a source of food and entertainment.  Most slaves resent, or even downright hate Holden, as he seems to be granted special privileges, being Voonder's personal assistant.


Within the Wilder Clan's cavern in a deep stone pit, simply known as "The Pit".  Goblins often toss unwilling combatants into the pit to fight for the entertainment of the clan.


Zarmn's Rule

Zarmn, being half-orc and half-goblin, made him much larger (and more intimidating) than the other goblins, and so he bullied his way into power.  Hated and feared by both the clan and other races, he was dubbed "Zarmn the Awful", though nobody dared call him that to his face.


He ruled with a cruel iron fist for twenty-seven years until he was killed by Voonder .  In fact, Zarmn, in an effort to appease the Polywerp Guardians (and to earn a little extra bounty cash), handed Voonder over to Barnoles.  However, once Voonder escaped (aided by Holden) he returned, killed Zarmn, and declared himself the new Wilder Clan Warlord.


Image from Savage Goblins Prefer Blonds.

Voonder ascends to the throne.



Voonder's Rule


The Kytton Faux Pas

During a diplomatic meeting with a Kytton delegation, Voonder mistook the Kytton's prince, Lynki, to be a gift, greatly offending them.  Instead of apologizing, Voonder mocked and threatened the young prince, which lead to hostilities between the two peoples.


Rise and Wealth

The Wilder Clan became very wealthy after Voonder found the Tomb of the Moon King and looted the treasures within.



Sane of House Mettz schemed and took control of the Wilder Clan, ousting Voonder


Sane's Rule

Sane, current ruler of the Widler Clan, rules through fear.  Most of the goblin raiders and soldiers long for Voonder's leadership.


The Five Great Houses

Though there are dozens of families and houses that make-up the Wilder Clan, the five most powerful, known simply as the "Five Great Houses", control most of the clan's policies and culture.








Goblin Social Classes

The Working Class make up about 1/3rd of goblins in the clan.  They have little to no education and earn very little money and therefore very rarely own private slaves.  These goblins generally receive very little respect from goblins of higher statuses.  Some jobs the working class have include miners, blacksmiths, carpenters, masons, etc.  In most cases, they work for merchants or the Warlord.


Soldiers tend to be the largest and strongest members of the clan.  There are sub-ranks such as infantry, archer, general, etc.  Typically, these goblins are trained from a very young age to grow up to be warriors.  Their primary duty is, obviously, to fight and win battles for the glory of the Wilder Clan.


Raiders are generally younger and very adventurous and are highly envied by goblin children.  Goblin raiders are essentially hunters.  They live for weeks or even months at a time away from the clan in the forest seeking victims to enslave for slavery and/or food.  Unlike soldiers who tend to rely on brute strength in combat, raiders prefer stealth and wit to catch their prey.  Some raiders work for the clan and others are privately contracted by wealthy slave merchants.  Before Voonder became the clan's Warlord, he was a raider working for the clan under Warlord Zarmn.


Merchants are the wealthiest members of the clan.  Their status and income are dependant on the products they sell.  The wealthiest merchants tend to be in the slave market, hiring raiders to bring them good stock to sell to other merchants.  Merchants who deal in fine metals such as gold and gems are usually quite rich and buy many private slaves to mine for them.  Those who deal in weapons and arms make a decent amount of income as well.


The Warlord is the ultimate dictator of the Wilder Clan.  Unlike more civilized peoples who elect their leaders, goblin warlords generally earn their position through blood and/or deception.  The Wilder Clan Warlord needs to be strong willed and wise lest he would quickly become victim to a plot of murder and usurpation.  A Warlord prides himself with wealth, rare artifacts, loyal and mighty armies, and a large slave stock.




Goblin Raiders of the Lost Lad

Savage Goblins Prefer Blonds

It's a Voonderbar Life

The Goon, the Brat, and the Unruly

Drama of a Wild Kid

A Fistful of Collars

V is for Voonder