Commentary added December, 2020




Below you will find:




Alternate Cover

Updated Page


(may contain spoilers)








Space Cadets 4 is easily my favorite of the Cadets comics and was the most enjoyable to create.

As a young child, the Jabba scenes from Return of the Jedi really captured my

imagination and Cadets 4 allowed me to make a Wundercomics version of those scenes.



The subtitle "Den of Scum and Villainy" comes from Obi Wan's descriptions of Mos Eisley, slightly reworded.



New Uniforms

There was a 7-year hiatus between Space Cadets 3 and 4.

For that reason, I needed to upgrade the old assets.  The uniforms look similar

but were completely remade for Cadets 4.



Laguna, 2013

The comic didn't come out until December, 2015, but early work started in 2013.

Above, is Laguna, with a bit of a mix between his Cadet 3 and 4 look.



The One With the Whales

There were a few scrapped drafts for Space Cadets 4.

One was partially written out that would have seen the Cadets go back in time to save the whales similar to Star Trek 4.

Ultimately, I decided to go with a Jabba-like villain so I could have fun making strange creatures.



Goolah the Grand

Goolah was a headache to work with.  He was multiple models blobbed together to get the look I wanted (with plenty of 2D post work applied).

Each frame with Goolah needed to be rendered at least twice with different settings to get the right look.




There were two versions of the Rancor monster.  The first version is too embarrassing to show.



Pain Demon in Cadets 4?

The final version of the Rancor monster is a modified version of the lead Pain Demon from No Rest for the Righteous.

This is most noticeable with the hands and claws.



Into the Pit!

The Pit scene was probably my favorite to create but the pit, itself, was a huge pain to work with.

Like Goolah, the Pit was made up of several pieces and had to be rendered several times for each frame.



Glory of Goolah

The song the cadets sing to praise Goolah is sung to the tune of the Yub Nub song from the

original version of Return of the Jedi.





Alternate Cover



Alternate Cover.  Not meant to replace any original covers, but created for promotional purposes on other sites.





Updated Page



Ending Error - Page 94

One observant reader noticed a continuity error in the final scene.

The character being brutally eaten alive is flipped over at one point -- and the damage to his

right leg is transferred to his left leg...and then on the next page the damage changed legs again.

This has been fixed!

Due to this page being particularly violent -- and very spoilerish -- I don't wish to post it directly here.


You can get it one of two ways:

1 - All new purchases (Dec, 2020 and beyond) of this comic will already include the fixed page.

2 - If you bought the comic in the past:  you can either e-mail me for the fixed page...or download it from my forum.

Note that it will only be on my forum for a limited time.




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