Commentary added January, 2022




Below you will find:





(may contain spoilers)








Three versions were created for this comic:

1 - an edited, no-blood version

2 - a version with blood, but fewer pages (no longer available)

3 - the "Wunder Cut" version with all of the gore and extra pages



The Wunder Cut version hasn't been available for the past few years.

Previously, it was only for donators.  As of January, 2022 this version is back online

and free for anyone to download.



Following on the idea for GBU, The title for A Fistful of Collars comes from the film A Fistful of Dollars.



The cover to the 2nd chapter was meant to look like the poster art for Game of Thrones season 2.



The lion (Singa) was first seen in "It's a Voonderbar Life".  The original look was used in the initial release of the comic, but then, later, recreated to look better.



Blackmoon the cat can be found on page 14 hiding near some barrels.



"Fistful of Collars" has a theme of failure and drastic changes in life

(and, later, in "V is for Voonder", a theme of growth, learning from past failures).



Voonder was still young and immature and learned that ruling the Wilder Clan meant more than sitting on a throne and

barking out orders.  He needed to lead others, even rivals, and he wasn't ready for the dirty politics.



Very early in the comic, Holden mentions that Voonder got him several copies of

the same outfit as Voonder likes things to be the same (afraid of change).



Holden's clothing comment is called back at the end of the comic when Voonder, himself, changes

into new clothes.  To represent his character maturing, Voonder drops the teenage punk rock outfit.



Other than the first and final scene, the entire comic takes place within the dark halls of the Wilder Clan.

This is to help build the sense of being trapped like Holden, Kanyon, and others.



The "bite your thumb" scene comes from the first scene in

Romeo in Juliet, both showing a rivalry between two houses.





Page Updates



Page 47 - The first frame was slightly misplaced resulting in a white bar up top.  Fixed.

Version - The Wunder-Cut version is now available for anyone to download for free.

You can download the comic by clicking the banner, below, and going to the main "Fistful of Collars" page.





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